


Before we continue in today's story, let me share a few unique facts about cockroaches.


  • Cockroaches have been around since the time of dinosaurs! 
  • A cockroach can live almost a month without food and about two weeks without water. 
  • Some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life!
  • a cockroach can live for up to one week without its head! 
  • Cockroaches can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes! 
  • Cockroaches can run up to 3 miles an hour.

Amazing facts right? Now let's get to the story of today.


Once upon a time, in a garbage bin outside a beautiful palace lived a group of cockroaches.

They all led a quiet and happy life because they had a variety of tasty food that was discarded from the royal kitchen to feast on daily with no one disturbing them. This group of cockroaches had lived outside the palace for a long time and were satisfied with their lives. All, except the fattest cockroach whose name was Fajo.

 While everyone struggled daily to get enough to eat from the bin, Fajo complained of how smelly the bin and its contents were. He kept dreaming of living a life of luxury inside the palace where all foods were fresh and stored.

 Due to his strong desire to be in the palace, he would peep through the palace window close to the garbage bin every day, and imagine himself inside it enjoying its great luxury. He felt fulfilled each time he had a glimpse of the comfort and luxury that was inside the palace. "

"I will one day get inside this palace. There, I will eat whatever I like and enjoy its comfort like the humans," Fajo would always tell his friend Rabi.

"Stop dreaming Fajo. What you wish for is impossible. You should know by now that cockroaches are not welcomed among humans, they get scared when we appear and try to attack us. Outside is free and safe, it is where we belong". Rabi would say trying to put sense into his head.

" I know Rabi, but I'm determined to get inside and no one will stop me. Just wait and see." Fajo said with all determination.

" What will happen to you if the humans discover you invade their space and try to kill you?" Rabi asked a bit concerned about his friend's safety.

"Do not worry about me Rabi, I am a lot smarter than you think," Fajo replied confidently.

As days passed by, Fajo kept looking for ways to enter the palace. It was not quite long when luck shone on him and he discovered an opening in the ground that led to the royal kitchen. He was so overjoyed about his discovery that he ran to inform his friend Rabi. 

" I have found the entrance to the palace," he said excitedly 

"You did?" Rabi inquired a bit confused.

" Yes I did, and I came back to inform you so both of us can go in together, but first you will have to accept that I am smarter than you," Fajo said.

"I am sorry my friend, I do not want to come with you, it's too risky. We might get killed". Rabi said worriedly. 

" I have told you, humans are not that sharp, we will hide under their noses and they will have no idea what we are up to. If you are not tired of eating from a smelly garbage bin, I am. I want to have a taste of fresh food and luxury." Fajo replied stubbornly. 

He did all to convince Rabi but couldn't, so he left for the palace alone.

As he walked into the dark opening he discovered, he realized he was inside a water pipe that led directly to the royal kitchen. It didn't take him long to be inside the palace. 

"I finally made it," he screamed and danced for joy as his dreams had come through.

He soon got familiar with the palace and its activities. "Humans work tirelessly in the day and sleep at night," he observed. With this knowledge, he hid in a dark corner all day sleeping, and at night, he went out of his hiding spot to hunt for fresh food stored in the royal kitchen. 

His food hunt routine went on for days until one day, Fajo went out, as usual, to feed himself, to his amazement,  there was a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables laid out on the table, with nothing covering them.  Without thinking, he started eating because he was hungry.

The greedy cockroach

He was so busy eating, that he was unaware of the danger that lay in store for him. Unknown to Fajo, Malima, the palace cook had noticed the effect of his nightly activities and had set up a plan to catch the culprit.  While everyone was asleep Malima had kept a close watch at her bait on the table. Immediately, her eyes caught the dirty insect hovering over her freshly washed fruits and vegetables. She picked up a mop and hit it so hard that the tiny creature lost consciousness.

She then swept Fajo inside a pan and dumped him in the garbage bin outside.

Luckily for Fajo, Rabi had been out that night searching for food. He was shocked to see his friend lying unconsciously in the bin. He did all he could to revive him. When Fajo was revived. He apologized to Rabi, " I would have listened to you my friend, humans are indeed smarter. I nearly lost my life, I have learned my lesson now. I will be satisfied with what I have." He said. 

From then on, Fajo, the fattest cockroach, did not complain about his life again. He was happy to eat the food dumped in the garbage bin and to just look at the palace through the window.


  • Be content with what you have. Your present is another man's dreamland. 

  • Never despise your little beginning. 

  • Always remember that pride goes before a fall.

  • Try not to be too confident in yourself; Listen always to the voice of reasoning and weigh your decisions before making them.

  • Do not be afraid to take positive risks to achieve your dreams. Anything is achievable with determination and action.

If you have learned from today's story, let me see you drop your lesson and thoughts on the comment section. Do not forget to follow and share this page. Thank you for your time.

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Unknown said…
I have learnt a lot. Keep it up.
Unknown said…
Very educative, keep it up