

The tree, the birds and the ants


Once upon a time in a small village called Dako, there stood a big tree in the middle of the village square. The tree was believed by the occupants of Dako village to be harboring strange spirits that protected them from harm. It also served as a shade from the scorching sun. Since it was more comfortable to sit under the tree, the elders of Dako made it the venue for most of their meetings. 

As time passed, birds started building their nests on the branches of the tree. One after the other, the tree was filled with the birds' nests and a lot of chirping birds, who kept making so much noises from the dawn of day to dusk. These, soon became a big problem to the villagers because the village was no longer quiet and they could not enjoy the peace they once felt under the tree. They were very worried.

An urgent meeting was called to discuss how to remedy the situation . All the elders of Dako assembled to discuss  possible solutions to the problem. "I think the tree should be chopped down that way the birds will have nowhere to live and our village will be peaceful and normal again", the first elder suggested.

"If the tree is chopped down, what will happen to the kind spirits that live in them? " another countered. With that, the point was rolled out. 

One after another the elders gave their suggestions but none was accepted, until one of the youngest elders said,

 ''let's scare away the  birds by hunting them and  destroying their homes." Everyone thought about it and saw it as the best option. 

" I do not think it's a wise idea to eliminate the birds," a wise old man among them advised. " The birds are a part of nature we can not escape from, let's teach ourselves to live with them and accept the noises they make, if not we might regret our actions later." He warned.

But the other elders were too worried about the noise to listen to him. 

They used all mediums they could to send the birds away. When the birds were completely gone, the whole village was quiet again and the elders went back to enjoying the peace and serenity the tree shade brought to their  meetings. Life in Dako continued smoothly until the villagers noticed they could no longer sit under their precious tree. 

Are you wondering why? Well, the answer is the tree was invaded by fire ants!

Inversion of the fire ants .

The colony of the ants bit and stung anyone that came under the tree. 

"What have we done?", they cried,  "the birds were useful after all". Since they scared all the birds away, no bird came to help them. The elders and villagers avoided the tree as no one could sit under it without being attacked by the ants. 

Months later,  a bird soon found its home on the tree and started building a nest.

The villagers all learnt their lessons and never chased any bird that came to the tree. Soon the tree was filled with birds again and the ants were gone. The villagers of Dako were happy, although the birds came with their chirping, it was better than the biting of the ants.


  • Everything nature has made available has its purpose. 

  • Always understand the advantages of something 

before criticizing its disadvantages. 

  • You will not know the value of what you have until you lose it.

  • The devil you know is much better than the angel you don't know.

  • Every thing that has an advantage has a disadvantage

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