


Story! Story!!

Once upon a time, there lived two sisters named Rola and Ameke. Typical of siblings,the two had a canny resemblance but differed  in their characters. While Rola was quiet and humble, Ameke was saucy and rude. She created trouble wherever she went and was known throughout the village for it. She had no respect for anyone either young or old, feeble or strong. 

Like every mother, Ameke's mother was worried for her daughter. She feared her attitude would lead her one day to trouble. Even though Ameke insulted her when she tried to advise her on her way of life, Ebele,the girls' mother still did what she knew was right. 

"I do not live my life to please anyone" Ameke would say whenever she was rebuked  

" I am like a wildfire, I burn to ashes anyone who crosses my path,"  she boasted.

It was a routine for Rola and Ameke to fetch water every morning to water their mother's vegetable farm behind their hut. 

It happened that along the path to the stream stood a hut which was owned by an old wretched man-Papa Futi.

Papa Futi had a habit of sitting out in front of his hut every morning to receive greetings from those passing to the stream.  He did this every morning and Ameke hated him because of that. 

That morning, Ameka was fuming with anger as they approached the old man .

" There he is, sitting and expecting hardworking people to greet him.The lazy old bone that would not get up to do anything for himself" she said as they approached the old man.

" Ameke, leave papa Futi alone. It's his way of life, just greet him, it does not take anything from you" Rola told her. 

"I'd rather die than fulfill the desire of that lazy bone" Ameka vented.

"Don't be rude Ameke, he is old enough to birth you." Rola Said.

"I greet you old Futi" Rola prostrated when they got to where Old Futi sat. 

" Thank you, my daughter, may the early morning sun smile blessings on you," Old Futi replied, smiling satisfactorily.

Each day, Rola made sure to greet the old man happily as her calm nature was as they passed his hut. Ameke on the other hand paid no heed to the "dirty-lazy man" as she would call him.

It was a bright morning and just like every other morning, Ameke and Rola set out to fetch water for their mother's farm. The atmosphere between the two girls was a tense one. Ameke had a clash with their mother and as usual, insulted her. Rola was very displeased with her sister's attitude. 

" You can't keep being rude to people, especially elders. You will one day become one."she reprimanded.

"Keep the advice to yourself Rola, I do not need it". With that Ameke walked faster than Rola who trailed behind feeling sad about her sister's attitude.

When Ameke approached Old Futi's hut, she was surprised to see the old man waving and beckoning at her to come, he was uttering inaudible words to her.

" Isn't it too early to get drunk, this old man? I don't listen to drunk men" Ameke said, ignoring Papa Futi as she made her way towards the stream.

Soon Rola approached with her water pot on her side, just like he did to Ameke, the old man waved and beckoned on Rola to come. She was taken aback, Old Futi had never acted like this. "What would he want to tell me?" She asked herself as she made her way to meet him. 

"I greet you Old Futi, is all well?" She inquired.

" No, my daughter, all is not well," Old Futi said. " do not go down the stream path, masked men from Ebetong village have invaded the bushes surrounding the stream. They are looking for young girls to use for the ritual of their late king."  

"Ameke!" Rola screamed, "Old Futi, did you see my sister pass by ?" She asked, hoping Ameke was safe.

" I tried to warn a certain young girl a few minutes ago but she rudely ignored me." Old Futi confirmed Rola's fears as she broke down crying. 

"My daughter, go home, this environment is not safe for you. Pray your sister returns to you safe too." Futi advised. 

A heartbroken Rola went home and informed her mother about what happened, she could not believe it.

" She would return, " she said in tears.

They both waited for Ameke to return from her trip. The darker it got, the more scared they got.

Eventually, Ameke did not return. Soon,a great wailing was heard as her death was confirmed by the village palm wine tapper. Neighbors dropped in to console Ebele and Rola for their loss and they all felt sad that she learnt her lessons the hard way. 


1. It doesn't cost a fortune to be nice to other people.

2. We should be careful never to look down on anyone,help can come to us  from the strangest of people.

3. Good behavior barriers certain problems from getting to us most times. 

4. Obeying and respecting our parents and elders make us live longer on earth.

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Unknown said…
Interesting...such a lessons not to forget
Unknown said…
Very nice, Gee. Baby and I are enjoying every bit of it