



Did you know??

Baby squirrels are called kits or kittens and they are born blind thus, they depend on their mother for survival for over two to three months.

"Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well.”— Jack Kornfield


Story! Story!!

Once upon a time, there lived a ground squirrel with her kits in a hole outside a beautiful hut occupied by a fierce-looking old woman 

 The old lady hated the nimble bushy-tailed rodents with passion and did all she could to get rid of them. 

Each day she would boil a bucket full of hot water and pour it into the squirrel's hole to either kill them or scare them away. She did this  consistently. Meanwhile, inside the dark hole, the Squirrel and her kits endured the heat. Sometimes, the helpless kits would squeak to their mother, " this heat is too much mother,can't we go out of the hole for a while?" They would ask in pain. But due to the fact that the kits were blind and helpless ,mother squirrel could not lead them out and she understood that they would be useless and more open to harm outside the hole.

"Be patient my little ones, what has a beginning has an ending" their mother would reply  them,and with that encouragement,the kits would endure the heat untill it grew cold .

After some days the fierce old woman came again and repeated her actions. The kits cried again to their mother, "  this heat is too much mother. Can't we go out of the hole for a while?" 

"No you can't, Be patient my little ones, what has a beginning has an ending" their mother would reassure them again. And just like magic they would stay put until the heat became cold.

As time went on, the old woman noticed that her efforts were not yielding any results. She thought to herself, "no creature can endure this treatment until now ,I guess those ugly rodents must be dead or gone by now." And with that, she stopped disturbing the poor creatures with hot water.

The squirrels on the other hand became happy because they began to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere and when the kits were strong enough to leave the hole,the mother squirrel led them out peacefully and they lived happily ever after.


1. It is important to note that there will always be an end to everything that has a beginning, even the life you live. 

2. To survive, you must learn to endure.

3. Anything hot eventually gets cold.

4. There is time for everything under the sun. 

5. Always trust the leading of a wiser person, they are more experienced than we are.

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UKWA E said…
Once the idea of (wateva has a beginning must ave an end) is activated in any situation, there is also a possibility to face it consciously to the end.

Good job Glory.
Tori said…
I could see good attitude towards problem.nice 1
Unknown said…
no matter any situation one faces. one day it will be over. i believe that.
Emek E. Bassey said…
Certainly at the end of a storm there's always a pleasure of happiness which is constant....
Unknown said…
Interesting piece here.