

The battle between the rain and sun

 Story! Story!!

Once upon a time, there was a great conflict between the goddesses of two important seasons on earth to know who worked harder than the other and who was more important; they were the goddess of the rainy season and the dry season respectively. The goddess of the rainy season was called Malima, she was very healthy and good-looking. The goddess of the dry season was called Nkaima. Unlike Malima, Nkaima was skinny and haggard. Due to their constant fight, they were summoned by the Chief of all Elements and his council members to lay their complaints and settle their differences.

"I move about the earth pouring out my water so that the plants would not suffer as a result of Nkaima's dryness," Malima began," I keep the plants alive to provide oxygen for the humans and animals so they would not die. I also work tirelessly to sustain the greenery so the earth would not become a desert".  She said.

"How easy do you think it is to dry waters which flood the whole earth and make the lives of affected people miserable?" Nkaima countered, 

" You walk about looking all healthy and fresh while I spend all day warming the sea, stirring the atmosphere, generating our weather pattern and giving energy to the growing green plants that provide food and oxygen for life on earth, after doing all this, I end up looking tired and old." She heaved sadly.

"Oh no, I work harder than you, and everyone can see that. And I am most important, what is life without the water I provide?" Malima screamed.

"And who can survive without my heat and light,"  Nkaima retorted.


Soon both of them were at each other's neck, striving to gain dominance. 

 "Enough!" Ordered The Chief of all Elements, "we have all listened to your argument and it's time for us to decide." 

The Chief then ordered his servants to lead the two elements outside so that he and his council members could deliberate on the matter. When Nkaima and Malima were led out, the Chief of all Elements turned to his council members and asked,

"What do you think we should do about this?"

The Lord of the sea was the first to speak, "I think the goddess of the sun is right, we all know how hard she has to work throughout the day to make sure we have light, she stays there watching patiently as we go about our daily hustle. She gives energy to plants to grow. She helps regulate our times and seasons. It must be hard for her. To me, she is more important than the goddess of the rain," he concluded.

" I do not agree with you" replied the Lord of the earth, "do you know how frustrating life would have been without the goddess of the rain? In her benevolence, she pours her water on our plants which in turn provides us with oxygen to survive. She makes our world green and alive while the goddess of the sun makes it dry and dead. She is indeed the most important between the two," he said.

The chief paid close attention to the points raised by members of his council, then thanked them for their contributions. " I now have my judgment. Bring in the two women for my final judgment" the wise Chief said. Nkaima and Malima were ushered into the royal chamber by the royal guards.

" After much deliberation on who between the two elements work harder and is most important, I have decided that for a stipulated time each of the elements would be allowed to work alone, after which I will decide who between the two is most important based on the result each work produced."  Both goddesses were very pleased with the Chief's decision, and promised to do their best in the task.

Malima was the first to start. She poured out her water for three months without Nkaima's interruption. Soon the whole earth was filled with so much water that it exposed the soil and plants to erosion and gave less room for oxygen, everywhere was flooded, human lives were threatened, buildings and infrastructure were damaged.

Everyone began to complain and begged the Chief of all Elements to bring in Nkaima. The Chief heard their plea, and asked Nkaima to take over from Malima. The old haggard lady shone her light and gave heat to the earth, just like it was with the rain, the sun became excessive with time, it brought drought and death of plants and animals. Everywhere became dusty and dry.

Not too long, the people on earth started complaining about the sun. This made the Chief of all Elements to summon an urgent meeting with his council members. Malima and Nkaima were invited. When they were all present, the Chief of all Elements spoke up, 

" I called this meeting to settle the great conflict that had been going on between the goddess of the sun and rain. Having seen the effect of each element working alone for some time, I have come to the conclusion that they are intertwined in a way.  Both could not serve at its best without the other. They both need each other to function properly." 

To Malima and Nkiaima he said, " I believe you both have now learnt your lessons. The earth needs both of you to function well.  None of you is more important or greater than the other. You are both needed. From now on, two of you will learn to respect each other's uniqueness and co-exist, let there be no more arguments or fights  concerning this issue again. Have I made myself clear?"

" Yes, your lordship,"  Nkiaima and Malima answered. Simultaneously, they bowed before the Chief of all Elements and his council and left. 

From then on, the sun and the rain learned to coexist peacefully. They both appreciated each other's uniqueness and never argued about who is the most important amongst them. Whenever they met it became a friendly meeting which caused a sunshower on the earth.


1. There is always beauty in diversity, learn to appreciate the differences in others.

2. We are all wired uniquely, every man's gift and ability is needed to make the world a better place.

3. The smallest of talent makes the world complete, don't look down on yourself. You are a solution to someone's problem.

4.Everything was created for a purpose and a season, never look down on anybody.

If you have learned from this story please drop a comment below and share.

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Unknown said…
woow ...this is super interesting !!!!