

Why the cat hate rats and have nine lives.


Story story!


A long time ago in the animal kingdom there lived two animals who were best friends. They were the cat and the rat. They lived peacefully together for a long time, fending and protecting each other from other dangerous animals. Since the rat was the smallest and weakest of the two, the cat took up most of the responsibility of protecting him. He defended him in front of the other bigger animals and made sure he was always safe. Their friendship was so strange and rare that It stirred jealousy among some animals in the kingdom. Despite the attempts to break the two, they grew closer and closer until a strong force of envy broke the cord that bound them together and turned them against each other.

The cat was a natural hunter. He went out all night to hunt for food for himself and the rat. In the morning, he returned to sleep all day. The rat on the other hand was always lazy ;he would sleep all night and wake up in the morning to eat whatever the cat had brought from his late hunt.  Since the cat was stronger and braver, he was always praised and respected more than the rat. This action made the rat feel so little of himself. 

 A group of jealous animals, who had always been envious of the friendship between the two friends, one day met the rat and said to him,

 " You are looked down upon because you are very weak and dependent. The cat is always fending and protecting you. Don't you know you are just an object he uses to make himself look great, if you can get rid of him then you would be recognized " 

These words played in the mind of the rat for a long time and he began seeing some truth in what was said. "I am not a weakling and I will prove it to everyone" he said,determined. 

That night he decided to go hunt for food himself. After searching and searching, he could not find anything tangible to take home. He became angry and exhausted and decided to go home. On his way home, he came across the monkey's large banana plantation. Immediately he got a brilliant idea. In order not to return home empty, he went into the monkey's banana plantation and stole some of the ripe bananas.

When the monkey discovered that his precious bananas were stolen the next morning, he was very angry.

"My precious banana has been stolen!! " he screamed.  

Soon animals gathered.

"Who would commit such a crime?" They inquired with shock written all over their faces, for that was the first time such had happened in their kingdom as It was against the law of the land for any animal to steal from another animal; any animal found to have committed sure crime was to be banished from the animal kingdom immediately. 

"Let's ask the oracle to reveal the thief,"they all suggested.  

" I do not think that will be necessary," the rat, who had joined the crowd, immediately spoke up, "I had perceived the scent of banana around the cat yesterday when he returned from his hunt. Though, I wanted to raise an alarm, I was scared to because he is my friend. Seeing how terrible his actions were, I can no longer cover for him. I suggest he should be investigated. " He concluded. He deeply feared what will befall him if the animals had discovered he stole the bananas. "The cat is strong enough to handle the situation," he thought .

All the animals immediately matched  to the cat's house, as most of them were always looking for a way to bring him down. When they arrived, the cat was sleeping quietly in his corner as usual. Unknown to everyone, the rat had placed a peel of banana beside the sleeping cat and had rubbed some banana on his skin as well, to make him smell like it.

When the animals found out that all evidence pointed to the cat, they woke him up by their beating and cursing, " You thief! You pretend to hardworking but go behind our back to steal from us?"  The cat was surprised to hear such accusation, he tried to explain to the angry crowd that he was innocent and framed but no one listened to him. 

When he was banished from the land, a kind human farmer took him in. With the help of the farmer, the cat soon discovered what his friend had done to him. He was so heartbroken and sad, for he treated the rat as himself but was badly betrayed. For this reason, he cursed the rat, " you will forever remain a thief." 

  The curse worked like magic. The rat had been stealing all he had till date. For the cat, he went ahead to protect himself by having nine lives and trusting no one including the humans he now lived with. He, however, vowed to protect them from the stealing of his arch-enemy, the rat. 


1.Never bite the finger that fed you.

2.Remember that the envious man will always  grow lean at the success of his neighbor. 

3.You are never enriched by envy and jealousy, you lose yourself instead.  

4.Envy makes you focus on winners instead of winning. 

 5.Pulling others down in order to raise yourself only shows how insecure you are about your ability.

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Unknown said…
This story is beautiful💥...the lessons learnt are superb!✌️

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