

The man , his son and the donkey.

 Story! Story!!

A story was told of a man who set out one early morning with his son to sell their donkey in the market. As they went along the road a farmer passed them and said, "Ain't you both fools? Why do you prefer to walk while the donkey has nothing to carry? What is a donkey for but to be ridden upon."  So the man decided to put his son on the donkey, and they went their way.  

  Soon, they came across some group of men, and one among them said, "what a generation of inconsiderate children we have, see as the youngster prefers to sit on a donkey while his father walks " The men stared at the boy judgementally. This made the boy so uncomfortable that he asked his father to get on the donkey while he walked. They hadn't gone far when they passed two women. " Some fathers can be so heartless." They cried," Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son walk while he ride."

The man and his son did not know what to do. The man then ordered his son to get on the donkey with him.  By the time they got to the town, they encountered another group of people who stopped to point at them, " Ain't you both ashamed of yourselves for overloading that poor donkey of yours, don't you have sympathy for it's tired back?" they shouted. 

The man and his son got off confused ," what are we going to do now," they asked each other, " we can't let people see us as fools, inconsiderate, heartless and unkind," they said. 

 They thought and thought hard, until at last they decided to cut down a thick stick, tie the donkey's feet to it, and raise the stick and the donkey to their shoulder. They went along amid the laughter of all who met them until they came to a bridge that separated the town from the market. One of the donkey's feet went loose and it kicked out causing the boy to drop the end of his stick. In the struggle, the donkey fell over the bridge, unable to swim due to his forefeet being tied together, the donkey drowned.  

Passers by who saw what happened, looked at the devastated man and son and asked, " Why did you tie the donkey? It would have been better if you had allowed it to move on its legs, now you have lost it, poor thing!" They exclaimed. 


1.When you are trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.

2.If you don't want to be a pushover, set goals for yourself, get some standards and have a plan.

3.If you allow people to detect to you how to live your life all the time, you will end up losing yourself in the process. 

4.One man's food is another man's poison.

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