


 Story! Story!!

There was a time when all animals had no tail. They all lived peacefully with one another and paid their loyalty to a fairy who visited them once in a Blue Moon. This fairy was in charge of all the lands and trees in the kingdom and she had a large farm where all the animals worked for her daily. The animals respected her a lot because she protected them from external harm and allowed them to feed on her farms. They were all committed to the fairy's farm and worked tirelessly day in, day out to keep the farm in good condition.

As time went on, the farmland was invaded by flies which came in their numbers to feast on the animals' bodies. Their invasion made the animals so uncomfortable and unable to continue working on the farm. They did what they could to scare the flies away but the more they tried the higher they increased. 

"Why hasn't the fairy visited us, does she want us to die of discomfort before she comes to our aid?" some animal asked angrily as the fairy had not cared to come see them for a long time. 

Since the fairy was their only source of protection, they could not do anything to scare away the flies which had come to stay.  Soon, few animals left the farm as they could not bear the pestering from the flies. Most of the animals decided to patiently wait for the grand appearance of the fairy. Amongst them was the rabbit. He continued working with the other animals on the farm hoping that one day the fairy would appear and save the day as she always did.

Just as expected,  the fairy decided to visit her farm after a long time.

When she arrived, she was so surprised to see her farm still in good condition despite the invasion of the flies. She asked all the animals to gather around for a meeting. All the animals that worked on the farm came in their numbers, all except the rabbit. He was still busy trying to make his portion of the farm look perfect, "I will go see the fairy after" he said.

 When all the animals were settled, the fairy spoke. 

 "As a reward for your hard work and persistence, I will give each animal a beautiful tail which will be used for everything; from communication to courtship, balance to locomotion, and importantly, defense to swatting flies." She announced happily as she waved her magic wand. Suddenly, different tails ranging from short to long, furry, feathered, and naked appeared. 

" Let every animal pick according to its preference," she said to all the animals present. One after the other, the animals picked their preferred tail and thanked the fairy for her wonderful gift. When all was set and done, the fairy told all the animals that they were all free to live their lives the way they wanted it, "you no longer work for me but yourself," she said. There was great jubilation among the animals. After the celebration, all animals went home basking in the euphoria of their new tails.  The squirrel, who had noticed that the rabbit was absent from the celebration, decided to visit and inform him of the fairy's verdict. He met the rabbit still working on the farm.

"Why are you still working on the farm, when the kind fairy has set us all free?" the squirrels asked the rabbit.   

"What! I never knew we were freed," the rabbit replied surprisingly. 

"We are free and as a reward for our hard work she had given us all a tail." 

" Why don't I have one?" Cried the rabbit. 

"You were absent from the celebration. You could get one if you go to ask her now, she might have some tail left for you, " the squirrel advised.

Without wasting time, the rabbit hopped to meet the fairy. Luckily for him, the fairy was still preparing to go back to where she had come from. 

 "Please kind fairy, can I have a tail?" cried the rabbit. The fairy looked at him surprised, "where were you when all the others got their tails?" she asked.

"I was still at the farm working," he answered sadly.

"Hmmm, all the long and fancied tails have been taken, I might not have any good tail left to give you," she told the devastated Rabbit.

"I don't mind receiving any tail as long as I have one," the rabbit replied, determined to own a tail.

The fairy looked at him for a while, then swung her wand and pointed it behind the rabbit, a fluffy short tail appeared behind him. The rabbit, happy that he had a tail, thanked her and went his way. 

Till date he wears it's fluffy short tail with pride. 


1.Patient pays. All the animals who waited for the fairy got a handsome reward at the end.

2.Avoid procrastination. 

3.Learn to embrace any gift life offers you, and try to make something beautiful out of it

4.Have a kind heart like the fairy goddess

5.Be hardworking like the rabbit

6. Be grateful and thankful when given a gift

7.Be contented with what you have.

8.Do not give up like the other animals that left the farm

 9.Know how to reward people working for you..

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Unknown said…
This story beautiful, I read it to my student and they draw alot of lessons from it. Well done ma🙌🏼
Unknown said…
This is story beautiful, I read it to my student and they draw alot of lessons from it. Well done ma🙌🏼