



Story! Story!!

Once upon a time, deep down a big river lived a mother fish with her fingerlings. What made this mother fish different from other mother fishes was the large wound she had sustained on one side of her mouth from a fisher man's hook.

One of her fingerlings whose friends had been mocking her about her mother's deformity got curious to know why her mother's mouth was different from the other mother fishes in the river, for she was afraid she might grow up to be like her mother and lose all her friends.

"Mother, why is your mouth larger and different from other mother fishes in the river." She gathered the courage to ask her mother one day.

The mother fish looked down sadly at her curious little daughter, for she knew what she was afraid of,  "Just beware of anything that dances like a worm in the water and you will be fine." She advised.The little fish did not understand her mother's reply but decided to let the matter rest. Life continued under the river smoothly for the mother fish and her fingerlings.

One day, the curious little fish was returning from her friends' house;as she swam towards her home, she sighted a beautiful worm dangling in the water, 

"I have found myself a beautiful meal" she said and made her way towards the dangling worm. Suddenly, her mother's words echoed in her mind,

"just beware of anything that dances in the water…" it said, "and you will be fine."

"My mother is way too ugly to be taken seriously. A harmless worm can never hurt anyone," she said waving off the thought. On she swam until she got to the worm. Unknown to her it was a bait from a fishing hook, as she placed her mouth to swallow the tiny worm ,the fisherman on the other end, who was patiently waiting for a catch, drew his hook and the curious fish found herself outside the shores of the river and inside a basket. 

She jumped and cried for help but no help came. She ended up in the pot of soup of the fisher man's wife.


1.Whatever an elder  tells you, never take it for granted. Think about it and pick some sense out of it, so you will live long on earth.

2.Never be ashamed of who you are or where you are from. There is always a reason behind every situation. 

3.Instead of blaming others for where you are, try not to repeat the same mistake they did. 

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