



Story! Story!!

A long time ago in land called Zazzau now presently called Zaria in Kaduna state Nigeria, there lived a warrior queen named Amina. She was a Hausa-muslim woman who became a historical figure because of her strength and achievements among the Hausa people. According to history, Amina was the first woman to become the Queen (Sarauniya) in a society dominated by males. 

She was born the eldest of three siblings. Her parents were the powerful Bakwa of Turunku who inherited the throne of Zazzua- a city state of Hausa land. Although the reign of Bakwa was known for peace and prosperity, it was also known for constant military campaigns to increase commerce. 

When Bakwa died, the rule of Zazzua fell on Karama, Amina's younger brother. As it was the custom for the male heir to ascend the throne. 

From childhood, Amina was trained in the military and political affairs of the land of Zazzau by her grandfather King Zazzua Nohir. After the death of her  parents and ascension of her  brother to the  throne of Zazzau. Amina occupied herself in sharpening her battle skills, under the guidance of the soldiers of the Zazzau military.

 Karama ruled Zazzua for ten years then died. When he died, his sister Amina who had earned the respect of the Zazzua Military and was  known all over the land for her fierce military skills and warrior spirit was made the ruler of Zazzau. 

Within three months of inheriting the throne, Queen Amina stood in command of a large military band called the Cavalry of Zazzau and led them to wage war against the neighbouring territories in a bid to expand Zazzau. She led the soldiers through a series of military campaigns characterized as an effort to ensure safe passage for Zazzau and other Hausa traders throughout the Saharan region. She conquered every region she came across and put them under her administration. For every region she conquered she built walls to protect them. These walls were known as the "Amina Walls''. She also collected tributes of Kolanuts and male slaves from her subject cities. 

The reign of Queen Amina of Zaria was characterized by her expansion of the territory of the Hausa people of the north to its largest borders in history.  Through this expansion, her region became a trading center which brought untold wealth and power to the Hausa people. Since the Hausa of Zazzau were well skilled in the metalworking crafts, Queen Amina  introduced metal armour including iron helmet and chain mail to her army to protect their bodies in war. 

Queen Amina of Zaria died thirty four years later (1576-1610). She became the first woman to rule an African Kingdom and achieve many greatness. Today, she is remembered as a brave, smart and talented leader. She was able to forge and imprint a legacy that contradicts all stereotypes of women’s leadership in a patriarchal African society, where the inequality that women face affects virtually all aspects of society. A statue of her was built and placed in the National Arts Theatre in Nigeria and many educational institutions bear her name.


  • The true sign of progress is beating the norms and coming out of your comfort zone.

  • Every man is faced with a fear of the unknown but the ability to embrace the idea that any obstacle can be overcomed if approached fiercely is vital. 

  • Bravery is the ability to walk through fear and uncertainties. 

  • A woman is as capable as a man when it comes to overcoming life challenges. 

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