


 Story! Story!!

Once upon a time in the animal kingdom, the lion King invited all the animals in his kingdom to a banquet in his palace. Every animal from the tallest elephant to the tiny little ant made preparations to attend the grand event. 

The planning committee of the event, headed by the tortoise, decided to make a list of responsible animals who would occupy the high table. They assembled all the animals to determine who was fitted for the table.  

"Can you put my name in the list?" asked Moonrat.

"You cannot  attend the event Mr Moonrat you know you have a terrible body odour which would destroy the pleasant smell of the palace, the king can't afford to have a smelly banquet because of you."  The tortoise reminded the moonrat.

Knowing how strong and terrible his scent was, the moonrat  decided to heed to the tortoise's advice and stayed away from the grand ceremony to avoid any problems. 

The cat who had always wanted to have a seat on the high table then said,

"Please include my name in the list, I am very beautiful and smell nice as well."

"No way Mr Cat, you have a bad attitude of attacking Mr Rat wherever you see him. If you are placed on the high table, you will end up distracting the event," replied one of the committee members.

"Oh no, I promised to lie low and avoid the rat. I will be on my best behavior." He begged.

Although the tortoise was skeptical about the Cat's promise, his name was included in the list.

When the day of the event came, everything was ready and perfect. The master of ceremony(MC) commenced the event and invited the listed animals to the high table. Mr. Cat could not wait for his name to be mentioned, he was so excited to show everyone his well brushed fur and trimmed claws. He was neatly prepared for that seat. When he was called upon he "cat walked" to the table receiving  the administration of other animals. 

When the last name was introduced, the MC decided to proceed to the next item on his list.  He was distracted by a tap on his foot. He looked down and saw Mr Rat. The rat had not heard his name called to the table so he wanted to ask why. As the rat was relating his pains to the MC, the cat became uncomfortable in his seat. 

Something inside him urged him to grab the tiny rat and rip him apart but he had promised to remain calm and respect his dignified position. 

As seconds ticked, his urge increased. Yang! He grabbed the innocent rat.

" What is going on here?" The surprised King asked. Everyone turned to look at the cat who, realizing what he had done, gave a nervous smile. He knew he was in trouble for breaking his promise. Embarrassed, he stood right in front of the spot light with the helpless rat in his mouth, thinking of what explanation to give to bring himself out of the trouble he had created. 

"To the private room, Mr cat, NOW!!" ordered the Chairman of the planning committee.

In the private room, the cat was asked to explain what happened. 

"I did not plan to do what I did, my irresistible instinct pushed me to do it." He explained. 

"We knew what you were capable of, that was why we refused your name on the list. The table was only for responsible animals, although you look responsible Mr Cat, your attitude had never shown it."

With that Mr cat left the banquet in shame.  


  • Know your weaknesses and avoid situations that promote them.

  • Let your appearance match your attitude. 

  • Give honour to whom/what honour is due.

  • Learn to have a strong control over your habits and urges. 

  • Never wash your dirty linen outside .

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