


The blind men and the elephant. 


Story! Story!!

A story was told about six blind men who had never come across an elephant even before they lost their sight but had wished to know what it looked like. Luckily for them, a day came that an elephant was passing by and they pleaded with the elephant to let them feel what it looked like.

The first blind man approached the elephant and fell against its broad and sturdy side. At once, he cried loudly, "God bless me - but the elephant is like a wall".

The Elephant's side 

The second blind man feeling the tusk of the elephant bawled, " Ho! - what have we here, so round and smooth and sharp? To me, it is mighty clear that an elephant is like a spear."

The elephant's tusk

The third blind man approached the animal and put his hands on its squirming trunk, "I see," he exclaimed, " the elephant is like a giant snake."

The elephant's trunk

The fourth blind man reached out his eager hands and felt the four legs of the elephant then screamed, "what wondrous beast this is!  It is clear enough the elephant is like a tree!"

The elephant's legs

The fifth blind man who got a chance to touch the ear of the huge animal said, "Even the blindest man can tell what this resembles most. This marvel of an elephant is like a fan" 

The elephant's large ear.

The sixth blind man no sooner had begun groping around the beast, then touching its swinging tail that fell within his scope, he cried out, "Alas! The elephant is like a rope!"

The elephant's tail

On and on these men argued loud and long, each holding onto his own opinion stiffly and not believing the others .

Although each of them were partly right, all of them were quite wrong .


1. Your opinion about things and people depends largely on your encounters and experiences. No one has the full definition about anything and anyone in life.

2. We should always understand that people view things differently, thus we need to keep an open mind and respect others' opinions. 

3. The fact that you are right does not make the other person wrong.  Its just the POINT or ANGLE of view.

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