



Story! Story!! 

Once upon a time, there lived a mother duck who laid quietly in her nest, covering her eggs. She was waiting for the set time for them to hatch. It was not quite long, her twenty-eight days of waiting was over and all the eggs cracked open revealing wet ducklings, who tried using their tiny legs for the first time. "Quack! Quack!!" Came their sound as they shocked themselves to dry before the mother duck led them to the water.

Among her hatched ducklings was one who looked very different from his siblings. "Why is he so different?" Asked the other ducks when they saw the new ducklings and their mother.   The mother duck soon became so ashamed of the duckling that she started chasing him away from her. When the other ducklings saw that the ugly duckling was being chased away by their mother because of his appearance, they nicknamed him "the ugly duckling" and made fun of him, they treated him badly anytime he associated with them.  The ugly duckling very very sad and lonely. He started searching for a place where he would be accepted for who he was. 

He first, went to the goslings to see if he would fit in with them, but he was rejected, "Go away, you ugly thing, you do not belong here," cried the goose when she sighted him.   Sadly he went to the chicks but when the mother hen noticed him among her chicks she chased him away screaming, "Stay away from my chicks you good for nothing duckling."

 The ugly duckling was so heartbroken. He soon came across a flock of swans. The swans did not tease or chase him away like the others, they instead treated him like one of them. " Come stay with us," they said.

 The ugly duckling was so surprised that such beautiful creatures would want to be with him. 

Time had passed and the ugly duckling had fully grown into a beautiful creature like the swans. One day looked at his reflection in the river and was happy that he was lucky to have found a home with the swans, now living at peace from all the mocking and ridicule he had endured in the past.


1.Don't try to fit in where you are not wanted or appreciated. 

2.Associating with the right people gives you a sense of relaxation, peace, and fulfillment.

3.Just like the ugly duckling, never give up on following your passion and finding your place in society.

4.Do not judge or discriminate against people based on their appearance or what others say about them, give everyone the benefit of the doubt.


1. Swans are gracefully long-necked, heavy-bodied, big-footed birds that glide majestically when swimming and fly with slow wingbeats and with necks outstretched.

2. Even though they are water birds, swans can fly; and as graceful as swans are in the water, they sure are in the sky. They are one of the heaviest and fastest flying waterfowl. However, some swan species, like black swans, do not fly long distances.

3. Ducks are smaller than their relatives (swans and geese). Ducks also have shorter necks and wings and stout bodies. 

4. A female duck is called a 'hen', they are identified by their very-dull, brown feathers. The females have dull-brown feathers so that they can hide from enemies and predators.

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