


Story! Story!!


Once upon a time, in the land of Abo, there lived a foolish Hunter named Iroke. Iroke's hunting skill was second to none in the whole land of Abo and its neighboring villages.

Though Iroke was known in the village for his great hunting skill, his possession of a tap-running mouth made people dislike him.

He was never one to keep secrets or tell the truth, he said whatever he saw and heard without thinking of the consequences. Many said he was cursed by the god of speech, Ifelife. Anyone who came across Iroke treaded carefully because his tongue alone could set a fire no one can quench.  Despite the advice of those who care to dissuade him from this evil habit, Iroke basked in his uncontrollable habits. 

One Sunny afternoon, Iroke set out to the forest to catch his game as usual. As he whistled with joy along the path that led to the forest, a strange voice greeted him.

 "Iroke, the great hunter, I greet you"

Iroke was surprised, for he knew he was the only person trading that path. He looked around to see if he was followed. When he could not find anyone, he continued his journey but the voice greeted him again, 

"Iroke, the great hunter, I greet you"

Iroke wondered where the strange voice came from.

"Search no more, I am lying beside the path Iroke"  the voice spoke again.

Iroke looked down to see what was talking and to his greatest shock, it was a human skull.


"Gods of our land!" He shouted out of fear. " Am I dreaming?  A talking skull?"

". How do you know my name?" He asked in shock.

" You are quite popular Iroke and I have been looking forward to meeting you" replied the skull. 

"No! No! No! No! This can't be real, the people of Abo must hear this" With this, he ran back to the village to tell the villagers what he had seen and heard.

" People of Abo, come out! My eyes have seen my ears today" Iroke screamed on getting to the village market square. People gathered around to know what had happened.

"I saw a Talking Skull today,"  he said, breathing heavily. The villagers on hearing this started murmuring in disbelief. 

" Iroke's word can never be trusted," they said.

" I swear by the gods that it is true, there is a Talking Skull on the path to the village forest" he repeated," if you think it's a lie, come with me to the forest path and if the skull doesn't speak behead me immediately," he said trying to convince the villagers to buy his story.

On hearing his condition, the villagers set out with Iroke to see the said "Talking Skull". When everyone gathered where the skull was, it was asked to speak. But to Iroke's disappointment, the skull lay there lifeless. The skull was asked the second time to speak, still, it remained silent. Everyone was angry with Iroke for making them leave their businesses and followed him for a lie. He was reminded of what he said if his story came out as a lie. Iroke pleaded and begged for his life but no one listened, he was beheaded as he asked. 

When all was set and done, the villagers began to head home. Suddenly, they heard a loud voice.

" STOP!"

 Everyone stopped in his or her track and turned towards the direction of the voice. To their utmost surprise, it was the lifeless skull speaking. 

"You could speak?" The skull was asked.

``Yes, I can speak," it replied.

"Why didn't you say something to save Iroke's life"

"Hahahahahaha," the Talking Skull laughed aloud, " I kept quiet to teach everyone a lesson," it said.

"Lesson? What kind of lesson?" they asked in confusion.

"I will tell you in a short story. A long long time ago, in this same land, I was like Iroke, I did and said what I felt without thinking. It was my tongue that kept me where I am now. The lesson I want you all to learn is this: no matter the situation you find yourself in, never say things on the first impulse without thinking and weighing the consequences. Be fast to see and slow to speak. Let everyone go home with this lesson and experience in mind, Iroke's loose tongue had kept him where he is now." 

 One after the other the villagers left feeling very sad for Iroke.  Iroke's story soon spread like wildfire across the village and neighboring villages, it was told to both young and old. And until now the people of Abo still believed that Iroke's spirit is out there looking for a replacement for himself.


1. Be careful what you say; words are very powerful. It can make or destroy you.

2. Live a life that will make people trust you. It was a lack of trust that made Iroke set himself up for death. 

3. Learn to keep people's secrets. If someone confines in you. Do not break his or her trust by sharing what you are told with another person. You were trusted, make it count.

If you have learned from this story, comment, smile and, share.

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Wow 😲
Unknown said…
This is interesting granny...I like the story, tell mi more 🥰
This is so beautiful. Indeed, from grandma's hut
Tori said…
Fabulous..the lesson is a life changing one,looking forward for the next story.
Wow.... Thanks for sharing such an inspiring short story with loads of lessons.
Keep writing for their is still more deposited in you.
Once again, thanks for exposing us to a new dimensions of story telling.

Namaste ��
Unknown said…
Awwnnn!! Gee my love 😘😘 so cute and interesting. Keep it up dear. More grease! Next o mbok
Unknown said…
So educative.
Keep on creating more.
Unknown said…
We learn every day
Lovely story... anticipating more
Great story here. Be quick to hear. Slow to speak.
Unknown said…
This is nice...
Good moral lesson