



Story! Story!!

A long time ago in the animal kingdom, there lived a greedy lion who did not care about anyone but himself, his name was Mula. Mula walked around the forest scaring and feeding on any vulnerable animal that came his way. All the animals in the forest were afraid of him.

One day as Mula was moving around the forest, he fell into a deep pit covered by grasses. He tried coming out of the hole but could not.  He roared and called for help but all the animals that passed by only looked down into the pit and went their way. They all knew what Mula was capable of. The devastated lion felt abandoned; he roared and roared yet no one came to his recuse. 

He stayed in the pit for days,exhausted and hungry. When he had given up on being recused, his hope came alive as he heard some footsteps coming towards the pit. He braced himself and called out for help. 

"Please, help me, " he shouted. 

Fortunately for him, it was a kind monkey that approached the pit.

"Please help me out," Mula cried again.

"Why will I do that, ain't you the same animal that scared and ate us? How am I sure you will not try to eat me if I rescue you?" The monkey asked as he looked down upon him. 

" I promised if you can get me out of this pit, I will never harm you or any animal again, please help me" Mula pleaded remorsefully.

The kind monkey thought for a while, he looked down on Mula again and felt pity for him.

"Ok, I will help you, but you must keep to your words," he said.

" I promise to keep to my word, "Mula answered, desperate to get out of the pit.

The kind monkey laid down its long tail into the pit and asked the lion to grab it. When Mula grabbed its tail, the monkey pulled him out of the pit. Minutes after he was freed,  Mula remembered he had been starved for days and might not find anything to eat immediately. With that thought, he got hold of the monkey and threatened to use him as food.

"You can't eat me, you promised not to" cried the frightened Monkey.

"And you were foolish enough to believe me?" Mula asked, smiling mischievously.

 "No, please don't eat me, remember I just saved your life" the monkey pleaded.

"I know you saved me but how will I feed myself, if I don't eat you now?" Mula answered.

On and on the two kept struggling; the monkey to free himself from the lion's grip and the lion to eat up the poor monkey.

Not quite long, the tortoise approached the scene.

"What is going on here?" He asked.

The frightened monkey narrated the whole story of what had happened to the tortoise and begged him to ask the lion to let him go.

"Why will you ask him to let you go, you knew what he was capable of yet you choose to help him. Now you have to deal with the consequences." He said as he turned to face the lion

"You are a powerful animal who is feared by all. But before you eat that monkey, It is nice to acknowledge the maker of the earth, don't you think so?"

"You are right, what do you suggest," the lion asked, pleased that the tortoise was on his side.

"I want you to raise you two hands to heaven and say, 'my maker I salute oo' ." 

The lion was confused, "if I raise my two hands to heaven the monkey will escape" he said.

"No he dares not, I will make sure of that" the tortoise assured.

Mula believed the tortoise and did as he suggested, with his two hands raised to heaven he said, "my maker I salute you".

Immediately the monkey was freed from the lion's grip, he swiftly jumped on a nearby tree and fled for his life.

When Mula noticed he had been played, he was so angry, he picked up the tortoise who by this time had folded himself inside its hard shell and threw him far away. The poor tortoise landed on hard rock and its shell cracked.  From then on, the lion moved about angrily, the tortoise moved around with a broken shell and the monkey lived all its life on trees, for he still feared what the lion would do to him.


1. Sometimes people would like to help but bad behavior could discourage them.

2. It is very wrong to bite the finger that fed you. 

3. Wisdom is needed when handling some life's situation. 

4. Even though change is constant, it is important to remember that a leopard cannot change its spot. 

If you have learnt from this story please drop a comment below and share. 

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Unknown said…
Well done ma...the story is interesting 🤗
Macvey said…
Keep it up, boo.
Felix Akaninyene said…
Glorious Glory, this is wonderful. The Lord continue to increase you in Jesus name.
Alicia Paul said…
Wow its amazing I learnt a lot pls keep it up 😊😎😘