



Story! Story!!

A long time ago, two men who desired to be rich met their friend, who was the richest in their land and asked him to show them how to become rich like himself. Their friend looked at them and gave them privileged information about where to find gold on a far away land. After getting their tools ready, the two men set out in search of the gold. They journeyed for days, crossing rivers, passing forests, climbing mountains, and walking in deserts until they came to the spot where the gold was believed to be buried.

They soon set to work. "Kwuh! Kwuh! Kwuh!" went the sound of their shovels and axes as they began digging.  The rain poured down on them and the sun shone down on their tired backs yet deeper and deeper they kept digging.

They continued digging for days until three dwarfs approached them one day "what are you both digging for?" They dwarfs asked.

"A heap of gold," they replied, ``we are told that it is buried beneath this earth, and we are digging to find it."

"Hahaha hahaha, " laughed the three dwarfs, "what a fruitless journey you two had embarked on," they said, "whoever told you that gold can be found in a barren land as this must be very dumb."


We have been passing here for as long as we can remember and yet we have not been told of any hidden gold and here you are digging for what does not exist, if I were you I would go home now and avoid getting disappointed after putting in so much effort, " the dwarfs advised and left. 

The two men paused to think of what the dwarfs had said, "what if they have a point, we have been digging for days now, yet no sign of gold" one of them said. 

"We have come too far to give up, I feel if we dig a little deeper we might find it" the other encouraged. 

The two continued digging, until one got so tired and exhausted and said,"I might die of disappointment if after all this effort nothing is found. To avoid that, I am going home, for there is no sign of gold here." 

He got his tools and set home, leaving the other man to continue searching for what he thought was real.

The lonely man dug and dug and dug and dug for more days

until his shovel hit on something hard.

"What could that be," he asked himself. Then it dawned on him that it might be gold, hurriedly he began digging deeper putting all the strength he had left until he came face to face with a heap of gold.

"So it was true!" He exclaimed excitedly. Up and down he jumped and danced, shouting out loud to the birds that he had found gold.

Happily, he took all the heap into his wheelbarrow and began his journey home. He sold the gold to merchants and became so rich that kings sought his golden aid in the affairs of the treasury of their lands. 


1.You can get anything if you really want. But, you must try until you succeed .

2.Never be discouraged to pursue your dreams of becoming great. 

3.There is always light at the end of a tunnel no matter how dark it appears to be.

4. Success, they say, is a result of hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.You are almost there if you do not give up.

4. Do not be afraid of failure, be afraid of the regret of not trying .

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Amaka said…
Sooooo niceeee. Success requires determination