

The old man and his three sons


Story! Story!!

Once upon a time, there lived an old wise man with his three sons; Madu, Kenneth, and Obi. Madu was a great farmer, Kenneth, a great fisherman, and Obi, a wealthy trader. The three boys grew to care for their old father but hated one another. They never saw eye to eye on anything. Due to their constant disagreement, they had lots of fights and arguments and these made their father worry-sick. He feared that if he died his sons might end up destroying each other.

One evening he called his three sons together and addressed them, "  My sons, you know am getting old and might leave the earth any moment. Before I leave this earth, I would like to teach you the life lessons handed to me by my father which was as well handed to him by his father"  he said pausing to get any reaction, when he didn't get one he continued, "the first lesson will come as a question which I will like each of you to pause, think and answer sincerely."

"Go on father, we are all ears," the three sons replied. 

The wise old man adjusted his clothes and looked at Madu, his eldest son then asked, "Madu, how many times will you make a mistake before you learn from it.

Madu the great farmer thought about his father's question for some time and then said," If I make a mistake the first time I might not learn from it but if it repeats itself the second time, I believe I will learn from it." He replied. 

The wise old man turned to face his second son, "How about you Kenneth, how many times will you make a mistake before you learn from it?" He asked. 

Kenneth cleared his throat, thanked his father, and said," I would learn from my mistake the first time I make it, I would not wait to repeat the same mistake twice."

The old wise smiled then asked his third son, " what about you Obi, how many times would you make a mistake before you learn from it?"

Obi looked at his brothers then at his old father and said, "Father, I would not wish to make a mistake before I learn from it. If Madu and Kenneth make the mistake, I will learn from it."

" You all have answered sincerely. Mistakes are part of human existence. They are not meant to be repeated twice, if they do they are no longer seen as mistakes but as choices. When ever you make a mistake, admit it, learn from it and never repeat it. Another way to learn from mistakes is by taking precautions from others who made the same mistake;which leads us to the next lesson," the old man said as bent to pick up a bundle of broom from the floor.

He handed the bundle to his sons then asked them to break the bundle in turns, each of them tried to break the bundle ,but none succeeded. Then the old man asked his eldest son to untie the bundle. When this was done. He then gave one stick to each of his sons and said, "Try to break your broomsticks." Now they broke their sticks very easily. The wise old man looked at his sons and said," My boys, nothing good comes out of disunity. You have seen that you could not break the sticks when they were tied together. But you could break them when they were separated. This is the strength of unity. If you are united, nobody will be able to do any harm.  Do not quarrel among yourselves but try to live in peace. Then you will all be happy.I want you all to stick together from now on like the bundle of broom, embrace your differences, live together as brothers, or you all would die individually like fools. " 

The three sons thanked their old father for the great lessons taught and vowed to stick together from then on. 


1.When you make a mistake, admit it, learn from it, and do not repeat it.

2.If you repeat the same mistake twice, the second time is no longer a mistake, it's a choice. 

3.There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but you should always make new ones and try to learn from others' mistakes. 

4.There is strength and victory in unity and weakness in division. 

5.United we stand, divided we fall

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Anonymous said…
Well articulated... Thanks for this����